jan 6, 2025
This publication presents a detailed analysis of ceramic artifacts recovered from Orange Bay on the island of St. Eustatius. The study focuses on the typology, origin, and historical context of these ceramics, shedding light on the island’s trade networks, daily life, and cultural interactions during the colonial period. Nagelkerken’s research contributes significantly to the understanding of St. Eustatius’s maritime history and its role within the broader Caribbean region. The book is a valuable resource for archaeologists, historians, and enthusiasts interested in the material culture of the Netherlands Antilles.
I. Introduction
II. Material and Methods
III. Results
1. Description of the different classes, groups and types of ceramics, collected in Orange Bay during 1983, 1984, 1985 and 1990 – 1991
Class A. Earthenware
Group I. Tinglazed earthenware
Type A. Blue and White
Type B. Polychrome
Type C. Brown and White
Group II. Cream-colored earthenware
Type A. Plain
Type B. Relief Borders
Group III. Pearlware
Type A. Unglazed coarse earthenware
Type B. Yellow-brown glazed earthenware
Type C. Yellow-green glazed earthenware
Type D. Brown leadglazed redware
Type E. Slip-decorated earthenware
Class B. Stoneware
Group I. English white saltgazed stoneware
Group II. Brown saltgazed stoneware
Group III. Rhenish stoneware
Type A. Brown Rhenish stoneware
Type B. Grey Rhenish stoneware
1. Westerwald
2. Mineralwater jugs
Class C. Porcelain
Group I. Chinese export porcelain
Type A. Blue and White
Type B. Brown glazed
Group II. White porcelain
Group III. English whiteware
Group IV. English semi-porcelain
2. Distribution of ceramics in Orange Bay, St. Eustatius
IV. Discussion
V. Summary
VI. Acknowledgement
VII. References
dec 6, 2024
Un coleccion di mapa di Aruba y e region Caribense unda por mira y studia aspecto regional.
Kaarten van Aruba en het Caribisch Gebied.
Maps of Aruba and the Caribbean.
Tokante Coleccion Aruba:
Na october di aña 2022, Archivo Nacional, Biblioteca Nacional y UNOCA a firma un acuerdo pa coopera riba e tereno di digitalisacion di e historia, cultura y herencia di Aruba.
E intencion ta pa traha riba un plataforma unda e herencia cultural digital di Aruba ta bira facilmente accesibel. Por mira e resultado di e cooperacion aki den e siguiente portal: https://coleccion.aw.
Segun cu e lunanan a pasa, mas organisacion a uni na Coleccion Aruba. Pa asina comparti nan conocemento, experticio y nan herencia cultural digitalisa dentro di e portal coleccion.aw.
Dia 28 di september 2023 a lansa coleccion.aw oficialmente.
nov 28, 2024
Na vier jaar een nieuw boek van de tweevoudige Pullitzer Prizewinnares Barbara W. Tuchman. De door haar brede historische kennis en groot vakmanschap graag gelezen en zeer gewaardeerde Barbara W. Tuchman schrijft voor het eerst over het Amerikaanse verleden, de moeizame jaren van de Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd, de oorlog waarin dertien koloniën in Noord-Amerika zich vrijvochten van het moederland Engeland. Zij plaatst deze strijd in het kader van de Europese politiek, waarin de Republiek zo’n duidelijke rol speelde. Het was immers op het Hollandse eiland Sint Eustatius dat de kanonnen het eerste saluutschot van de Amerikaanse ‘Andrea Doria’ met de rebellenvlag in top beantwoordde. Als handelaars van de wereld voorzien de Hollanders de Amerikaanse rebellen van wapens vanaf hun ‘Gouden Rots’, hun schateilandje St. Eustatius. Het is op dit moment dat Engeland ingrijpt , de Republiek verslaat en haar in het verderf stort. We lezen over Washington, de Franse interventie, de strijd om Amerika. De Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd had grote invloed in Europa en stimuleerde onder anderen de Franse progressieven zo, dat in 1789 de Franse Revolutie uitbrak.
Barbara Tuchmans naam en stijl garanderen kwaliteit, een meeslepende verteltrant, oog voor detail, grote leesbaarheid en spanning.
‘Het eerste saluutschot is de Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse boek ‘The first salute’.
nov 18, 2024
Whispers of the Past – The Hidden History of St. Eustatius unearths the untold stories of St. Eustatius, a small Dutch Caribbean island with a rich and overlooked history. We embark on a captivating journey through the island’s timeline, from its earliest roots to the present day. At the crossroads of historical narratives and women’s empowerment, we shine a bright light on the often silenced voices of women, stories of strength, survival, and resilience that continue to inspire. These echoes of the past awaken pride in our collective heritage, connecting us to the present. Join us as we embrace history’s whispers to honor, heal, and pave the way for a more sovereign future.
The podcast is live from November 16th 2024 and releases a new episode every new week, for 12 weeks.
Episode 1
We dive into the early history of St. Eustatius, exploring its volcanic origins, cultural diversity, and why it’s crucial to tell history through a lens that includes women. This episode sets the stage for what’s to come in the series. With Gay Soetekouw & Raimie Richardson.
nov 6, 2024
St. Eustatius, ‘ The Historical Gem’ of the Caribbean, is a small, but cherished island with a rich history and great beauty. The St. Eustatius Historical Foundation was established in 1974 to explore, preserve, document and educate the local population and tourists, about the history of this very special island. We strive, through educational programs, walking tours and presentations, to make our story known. We have, since our inception, sponsored archaeological and anthropological research on the island through many prestigious universities and scholars. This has added to the depth of knowledge of our history and our important place in the events of the 18th century. Now, with the establishment of the St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research, this has become a continuous learning process. This guide therefore represents our current knowledge of our beautiful island. We hope this will serve as an introduction to our great heritage, that you will visit our award-winning museum and our archaeological research center and begin to understand our great pride in the ‘Historical Gem’.
This walking tour guide will take us from the waterfront, up the Bay Path, through the major sites in the town to the St. Eustatius Historical Foundation Museum, one of the best in the Caribbean. In the center of this book you will find a numbered map of the walking tour. The numbers correspond to the sites described in this guide. We hope that you also take the time to explore some of the extended tours that we have included in the back of the guide, so that you can get a more complete understanding of this ‘Historical Gem of the Caribbean’.