St. Eustatius:

St. Eustatius:

This video explores the history and development of the island Sint Eustatius, which is part of the Dutch Kingdom. It specifically focusses on the development of Sint Eustatius as a free port, and the trade that took place. The Jewish community that settled here had an important role in establishing the trade market of the island. It also explains the role of the Dutch, the British and the Americans in the establishment of Sint Eustatius.

This documentary was made for National History Day 2016, with as theme ‘Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in history.’

De forten en verdedigingswerken van Sint Eustatius en Saba

De forten en verdedigingswerken van Sint Eustatius en Saba

De forten, verdedigingswerken en geschutstellingen van Sint Eustatius en Saba: van Pieter van Corselles tot Abraham Heyliger, 1636-1785, geschreven door J. Hartog, biedt een gedetailleerd inzicht in de militaire geschiedenis van de eilanden Sint Eustatius en Saba. Het boek verkent de bouw en ontwikkeling van forten en verdedigingswerken vanaf de oprichting van Fort Oranje door Pieter van Corselles in 1636 tot het bewind van Abraham Heyliger in 1785. Met 152 pagina’s vol historische beschrijvingen en illustraties, neemt het boek de lezer mee in de strategische en politieke rol van deze eilanden in de Caribische regio. Het werk maakt deel uit van een bredere serie over de forten van de Nederlandse Antillen en is een waardevolle bron voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de koloniale en militaire geschiedenis van het gebied. De gedetailleerde aandacht voor de structuren en hun context maakt het boek een belangrijk naslagwerk voor historici, onderzoekers en liefhebbers van erfgoed.

Samenwerking Rijksvastgoedbedrijf met Sint Eustatius

Samenwerking Rijksvastgoedbedrijf met Sint Eustatius

Rijksvastgoedbedrijf werkt samen met Sint Eustatius aan monumentaal erfgoed uit de slavernijperiode. Dit Caribische eiland was één van de plekken waar de Europese slavenschepen uit Afrika aan land kwamen. Raimie Richardson is erfgoedadviseur en -inspecteur bij het Openbaar Lichaam Sint Eustatius (OLE). Hij vertelt in deze video over het slavernijverleden en wat het vastgoed uit die periode betekent voor het eiland.

‘Overal waar je loopt, zie en voel je de geschiedenis. Deze gebouwen zijn een testament van het verleden en van de mensen die ze hebben gebouwd’.

The first to salute America: Sint Eustatius

The first to salute America: Sint Eustatius

Informational video about Sint Eustatius, a tiny island, in the middle of the Caribbean, where most people speak English, but are in fact Dutch nationals. Sint Eustatius is a tropical municipality of the Netherlands.


  • History – this Dutch territory was the first to recognize the United States as an independent country by saluting an approaching ship with the American flag, making St. Eustatius the target of a British plundering campaign
  • Dutch Independence – the former colonies were dissolved and the Netherlands Antilles were formed. In 2010, it became a special municipality of the Netherlands
  • Jewish Community – they were present from the beginning and represented 10% of the population at one point. Today the Jewish cemetery is witness to this past
  • Tourism – tourism is small scale and focused on the beaches, history, and scuba diving. The dormant volcano ‘The Quill’ offers an amazing hike to the highest point of the Netherlands

Additional information

1. Sint Eustatius, also known locally as Statia, is an island in the Caribbean. It is a special municipality (officially “public body”) of the Netherlands.

2. It is unclear if native peoples inhabited the island before European colonization. It is thought that Christopher Columbus likely saw the island in 1493. From the first European settlement, in the 17th century until the early 19th century, St. Eustatius changed hands twenty-one times between the Netherlands, Britain, and France.

3. Oranjestad is a small town of 1,038 inhabitants; it is the capital of the island of Sint Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands.

4. Formerly part of the Netherlands Antilles, Sint Eustatius became a special municipality of the Netherlands on 10 October 2010. Together with Bonaire and Saba, it forms the BES islands. In 2011 the island officially adopted the US dollar as its currency.

5. The first record of Jews on St. Eustatius dates to 1660. The Jews were mainly merchants with significant international trading and maritime commercial ties. Jews were estimated to have comprised at least 10% of the permanent population of St. Eustatius.

6. The oil terminal (an unloading and storage depot for petroleum) of the American company Prostar Capital is the most important economic pillar of Sint Eustatius. Tourism is also important and is seen as the second economic pillar, especially diving tourism. The port is not suitable for large cruise ships, so no large flows of tourists can come to the island.

7. The Quill is a stratovolcano located on the island of Sint Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands. The summit elevation is 601 m above sea level. It is also the second highest mountain in the Netherlands.

St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR)

St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR)

The St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the archaeological preservation and research of St. Eustatius’ rich cultural heritage. SECAR’s mission is to explore, document, and protect the island’s historical resources, with a focus on both terrestrial and underwater archaeology. The center is involved in various archaeological excavations, surveys, and conservation efforts, often in collaboration with academic institutions and volunteers. SECAR also provides educational opportunities for the local community and visitors, raising awareness about the island’s history, including its significance during the colonial period and its role in the transatlantic trade. Through its work, SECAR plays a key role in preserving and sharing the unique history of St. Eustatius for future generations.


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