Whispers of the past

Whispers of the past

Whispers of the Past – The Hidden History of St. Eustatius unearths the untold stories of St. Eustatius, a small Dutch Caribbean island with a rich and overlooked history. We embark on a captivating journey through the island’s timeline, from its earliest roots to the present day. At the crossroads of historical narratives and women’s empowerment, we shine a bright light on the often silenced voices of women, stories of strength, survival, and resilience that continue to inspire. These echoes of the past awaken pride in our collective heritage, connecting us to the present. Join us as we embrace history’s whispers to honor, heal, and pave the way for a more sovereign future.

The podcast is live from November 16th 2024 and releases a new episode every new week, for 12 weeks.

Episode 1

We dive into the early history of St. Eustatius, exploring its volcanic origins, cultural diversity, and why it’s crucial to tell history through a lens that includes women. This episode sets the stage for what’s to come in the series. With Gay Soetekouw & Raimie Richardson.
St. Eustatius Historical Walking Tour

St. Eustatius Historical Walking Tour

St. Eustatius, ‘ The Historical Gem’ of the Caribbean, is a small, but cherished island with a rich history and great beauty. The St. Eustatius Historical Foundation was established in 1974 to explore, preserve, document and educate the local population and tourists, about the history of this very special island. We strive, through educational programs, walking tours and presentations, to make our story known. We have, since our inception, sponsored archaeological and anthropological research on the island through many prestigious universities and scholars. This has added to the depth of knowledge of our history and our important place in the events of the 18th century. Now, with the establishment of the St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research, this has become a continuous learning process. This guide therefore represents our current knowledge of our beautiful island. We hope this will serve as an introduction to our great heritage, that you will visit our award-winning museum and our archaeological research center and begin to understand our great pride in the ‘Historical Gem’.

This walking tour guide will take us from the waterfront, up the Bay Path, through the major sites in the town to the St. Eustatius Historical Foundation Museum, one of the best in the Caribbean. In the center of this book you will find a numbered map of the walking tour. The numbers correspond to the sites described in this guide. We hope that you also take the time to explore some of the extended tours that we have included in the back of the guide, so that you can get a more complete understanding of this ‘Historical Gem of the Caribbean’.

Nationaal Monumentencongres

Nationaal Monumentencongres

Het Nationaal Monumentencongres is een jaarlijks terugkerend congres bedoeld voor alle partijen die actief zijn op het gebied van erfgoedzorg en de (her)ontwikkeling en herbestemming van historisch vastgoed in hun landschappelijke of stedelijke context. Iedere editie staat er een thema centraal dat urgent en relevant is voor de erfgoedsector.


Het Nationaal Monumentencongres vindt dit jaar plaats op 7 november in de Koninklijke Schouwburg in Den Haag. Het thema deze editie is ‘Erfgoed verbindt?!’. Erfgoed slaat een brug tussen heden en verleden en krijgt steeds vaker een maatschappelijke functie. Toch wringt het ook geregeld door de vele verschillende belangen die spelen of door de beladen geschiedenis die aan erfgoed kan kleven. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat we die belangen stroomlijnen en ons erfgoed op de juiste manier beschermen en belichten, zodat het niet verdeelt, maar juist verbindt?


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