Op braakliggende terreinen langs de wegen op Curaçao bouwt de jeugd zgn. high flying parks, vrolijk versierde jeugdhuizen gebouwd uit allerlei materialen. Nadat er een wedstrijd voor het meest originele park is uitgeroepen, verschijnen er nog meer van dit soort bouwwerken. De jongeren ontmoeten elkaar en maken er muziek.
Dit bioscoop journaal uit 1973 bevat beelden van de parken die gebouwd worden.
Scharloo, a former residential neighborhood lined with picturesque homes built by Curacao’s wealthy merchants during the 1800’s. In this episode you will experience the conversion of the area, from private homes in the 1800 and 1900’s to business offices and government institutions nowadays, though maintaining the beautiful facades as a memory of the former glory and elegance that existed.
Pietermaai, once the area of the Curacao well-to-do, has undertaken a huge make-over after a long period of neglect and disrepair. Since 2000 Pietermaai has transformed into a contemporary hot spot of Curacao. In this episode we will cover the history and transformation of the Pietermaai area, an integral part of our capital Willemstad.
Established in the mid-1600s, Willemstad’s covey of structures recall the quaint designs of Amsterdam, with exquisite 17th and 18th century Dutch colonial buildings not to be found anywhere else outside of the Netherlands. In this series we will cover the 4 most important and historic sites of Willemstad starting with Punda.