The Vineyard Building is one of Sint Maarten’s Monuments. The area was named after the estate, which probably got its name from the grapes that were cultivated around the house. The estate house has a twin on Martha’s Vineyard USA, off the coast of Massachusetts. In 1871, the van Romondt family imported the house from Baltimore, Maryland USA. It was delivered by schooner as a pre-cut/pre-fab building package to our island. The rectangular-shaped house consists of two stories, topped by a saddle roof. The front facade is on the short side. A staircase from the garden leads the visitors to the first floor where the living quarters are placed. The doors and the sash windows are fitted with wooden shutters. Both of the side facades are covered with white shingles, while the front facade has horizontal weatherboarding and decoration of gingerbread fretwork lining the roof, rail, and veranda. In the middle of the gable is a gold-colored star, the meaning of, other than decorative, is not known. The bottom floor is used for storage and has a large kitchen and several utility rooms. As of 1938, the van Romondt family sold the estate to Mrs. Coralie Buncamper. After her death, it went to Mrs. Bernadette Buncamper who, like the new family members who inherited it from her after her passing, kept it in pristine shape.
Are you passionate about, wanting to become more aware of, working with, or maybe even owning cultural heritage in the Dutch Caribbean? Then this is the Conference for you!
Please join our conference with the theme ‘Awareness’, where you’ll have the chance to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the Dutch Caribbean islands of Sint Maarten, Saba, and St Eustatius.
Through either an in-person or an online program, you’ll explore monuments and other cultural sites that are often overlooked, while gaining insights into the diverse history of the region. Engage with local heritage professionals, share knowledge, and collaborate on finding sustainable solutions to the current challenges these islands are facing.
Whether you join us in person or virtually, this conference offers you a platform for learning, discussion, and collective action toward preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the windward islands of the Dutch Caribbean.
‘St. Maarten 1980 Carnival Travel Film’ is a 6-minute film that provides an impression of St. Maarten’s Carnival in 1980. The film features video imagery of the parade, musical instruments, and people dancing. It was transferred from 8mm footage, hence the vintage imagery.
‘De eilanden boven de wind’ is een historische film van 6 minuten over het eiland Sint Maarten. Deze film rond 1947 is gemaakt door het Polygoonjournaal als onderdeel van een reeks genaamd: ‘Films over de West’. ‘De West’ is ook bekend als de Nederlandse West of de Nederlandse Antillen. Je ziet de ongerepte natuur van Sint Maarten en Saint Martin en er wordt een beeld geschetst van hoe het leven op het eiland er in die tijd uitzag. Deze film komt uit het RVD filmarchief in Nederland, waar dit soort historische films worden bewaard. Het is een Nederlandstalige vertelling met Engelse ondertiteling.
‘The islands above the wind’ is a historical 6 minute movie about the Island of St Maarten. This movie was made around 1947 by the Dutch Polygoon Newsreel as part of the series: ‘Films about the West’. ‘The West’ is also known as the Dutch West Indies or Netherlands Antilles. You will see the unspoiled nature of St Maarten & St Martin and it gives an impression of how Island living was in those days. This movie is from the archives of the RVD in The Netherlands where they conserve these type of historical films. It’s a Dutch narrative with English subtitles.
National Archaeological and Anthropological Memory Management Foundation – Fundashon NAAM – na Kòrsou, ta un organisashon non-profit, kometé na konservashon i identifikashon di herensha kultural – tantu material komo inmaterial – di Boneiru, Kòrsou, St. Maarten, den un perspektiva Karibense.
NAAM a wòrdu fundá dor di Gobièrnu Sentral di Antia Hulandes anterior (1998) komo susesor di AAINA anterior (Archaeological- Anthropological Institute of the Netherlands Antilles).
Presentando su mes komo “mas ku un museo”, den kurso di tempu NAAM a logra di desaroyá den un instituto, laborando ampliamente riba dokumentashon, restorashon i enrikesimentu di nos memoria kolektivo. Pa e motibu ei desde 2008 e lèter M den NAAM su nòmber no ta para mas pa “Museum” (museo) pero pa “Memory Management” (Maneho di memoria).
National Archaeological Anthropological Memory Management Foundation – Stichting NAAM – Curaçao is een nonprofit organisatie die zich committeert aan de conservering en identificatie van het materiële en immateriële erfgoed van Bonaire, Curaçao, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius en Saba in een Caribisch perspectief.
NAAM is in 1998 opgericht door de Landsoverheid van de voormalige Nederlandse Antillen, als opvolger van het voormalige AAINA (Archaeologisch- Anthropologisch Instituut Nederlandse Antillen).
Door zichzelf te profileren als “meer dan een museum”, heeft NAAM zich in de loop van de tijd kunnen ontwikkelen tot een instituut dat zich breed inzet voor het documenteren, restaureren en verrijken van het culturele geheugen van onze bevolking. Dit is waarom de M van NAAM niet langer staat voor “Museum” maar voor “Memory Management”.
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