jan 23, 2025
‘De eilanden boven de wind’ is een historische film van 6 minuten over het eiland Sint Maarten. Deze film rond 1947 is gemaakt door het Polygoonjournaal als onderdeel van een reeks genaamd: ‘Films over de West’. ‘De West’ is ook bekend als de Nederlandse West of de Nederlandse Antillen. Je ziet de ongerepte natuur van Sint Maarten en Saint Martin en er wordt een beeld geschetst van hoe het leven op het eiland er in die tijd uitzag. Deze film komt uit het RVD filmarchief in Nederland, waar dit soort historische films worden bewaard. Het is een Nederlandstalige vertelling met Engelse ondertiteling.
‘The islands above the wind’ is a historical 6 minute movie about the Island of St Maarten. This movie was made around 1947 by the Dutch Polygoon Newsreel as part of the series: ‘Films about the West’. ‘The West’ is also known as the Dutch West Indies or Netherlands Antilles. You will see the unspoiled nature of St Maarten & St Martin and it gives an impression of how Island living was in those days. This movie is from the archives of the RVD in The Netherlands where they conserve these type of historical films. It’s a Dutch narrative with English subtitles.
jan 22, 2025
National Archaeological and Anthropological Memory Management Foundation – Fundashon NAAM – na Kòrsou, ta un organisashon non-profit, kometé na konservashon i identifikashon di herensha kultural – tantu material komo inmaterial – di Boneiru, Kòrsou, St. Maarten, den un perspektiva Karibense.
NAAM a wòrdu fundá dor di Gobièrnu Sentral di Antia Hulandes anterior (1998) komo susesor di AAINA anterior (Archaeological- Anthropological Institute of the Netherlands Antilles).
Presentando su mes komo “mas ku un museo”, den kurso di tempu NAAM a logra di desaroyá den un instituto, laborando ampliamente riba dokumentashon, restorashon i enrikesimentu di nos memoria kolektivo. Pa e motibu ei desde 2008 e lèter M den NAAM su nòmber no ta para mas pa “Museum” (museo) pero pa “Memory Management” (Maneho di memoria).
National Archaeological Anthropological Memory Management Foundation – Stichting NAAM – Curaçao is een nonprofit organisatie die zich committeert aan de conservering en identificatie van het materiële en immateriële erfgoed van Bonaire, Curaçao, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius en Saba in een Caribisch perspectief.
NAAM is in 1998 opgericht door de Landsoverheid van de voormalige Nederlandse Antillen, als opvolger van het voormalige AAINA (Archaeologisch- Anthropologisch Instituut Nederlandse Antillen).
Door zichzelf te profileren als “meer dan een museum”, heeft NAAM zich in de loop van de tijd kunnen ontwikkelen tot een instituut dat zich breed inzet voor het documenteren, restaureren en verrijken van het culturele geheugen van onze bevolking. Dit is waarom de M van NAAM niet langer staat voor “Museum” maar voor “Memory Management”.
jan 21, 2025
Les Fruits de Mer is a non-profit association based in Grand Case, Saint Martin, dedicated to promoting awareness of the island’s unique ecology, culture, and heritage. Their mission focuses on educating both locals and visitors about the natural environment through various initiatives.
The organization produces a variety of publications, including guides, weekly wildlife columns, and activity books, aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the island’s biodiversity. They also host free public events, such as the Migratory Bird Festival and the Endemic Animal Festival, which combine wildlife education with hands-on discovery and creative activities.
In addition to these events, Les Fruits de Mer operates Amuseum Naturalis, a pop-up natural history museum in Grand Case that has attracted over 10,000 visitors in two seasons. They create interpretive signage and exhibits to tell the stories of native animals and cultural heritage. Their work also extends to producing short documentary films that explore nature on St. Martin and the surrounding region.
Through these diverse efforts, Les Fruits de Mer aims to inspire appreciation for St. Martin’s natural and cultural heritage, ensuring that its unique stories and ecosystems are celebrated and preserved for generations to come.
Whatsapp: +590-690-88-56-42
Amuseum Naturalis:
The Old House
3XJF+392, Route de, Quartier D’Orléans 97150,
St. Martin
jan 21, 2025
Archivo Nacional Aruba (ANA) ta e departamento di Gobierno cu ta encarga pa warda, cuida y proteha e archivo di Gobierno cu tin un balor historico pa Aruba. Banda di e archivo di Gobierno, ANA tin tambe un coleccion di archivo di instancia- y of persona(nan) particular. Den e coleccion di archivo na Archivo Nacional Aruba tin material original y autentico warda. E material ta documento, mapa, potret y material audio-visual cu hunto ta forma e ‘memoria nacional y herencia cultural’ di nos pais.
“Bo centro di documentacion y informacion”
“Bo coneccion cu nos historia”
The National Archives of Aruba (ANA) is the government department responsible for storing, safeguarding, and protecting government archives that have historical value for Aruba. In addition to government archives, ANA also has a collection of archives from various institutions and private individuals. In the collection of archives at the National Archives of Aruba, there is original and authentic material stored. The material includes documents, maps, photographs, and audio-visual material that together form the “national memory and cultural heritage” of our country.
“Your documentation and information center”
“Your connection with our history”
Archivo Nacional Aruba
Sabana Blanco 60
Aruba (Dutch Caribbean)
Tel: (+297) 583 4880
Email: info@ana.aw
jan 21, 2025
The Saba Heritage Center, also known as the Saba Archaeological Center (SABARC), is a non-profit organization based in Windwardside, Saba, dedicated to preserving and promoting the island’s cultural heritage through archaeological research and outreach initiatives.
Their mission is to safeguard Saba’s history while engaging the local community in its preservation. SABARC places a strong emphasis on preservation and documentation, ensuring that the island’s cultural and historical treasures are maintained and shared with future generations. A key part of their work is involving the island’s youth in archaeological research and heritage management. By participating in real-world projects, young people not only discover their own history but also gain an interest in the sciences and social sciences beyond the classroom.
In addition to its research initiatives, the Saba Heritage Center hosts exhibitions and displays that showcase the island’s history and culture, creating opportunities for the community and visitors to engage with Saba’s unique heritage. Through these efforts, the center plays a vital role in celebrating and protecting the legacy of this small yet historically rich island.
Contact information:
T. +599 416 2833
E. director@sabarc.org