Cultural Park Mangazina di Rei

Cultural Park Mangazina di Rei

Haltu riba un serito den naturalesa spesial i un entorno kaminda tempu a para ketu, di e region di Rincon tin un edifisio blanku grandi. Den siglo diesnuebe gobièrnu hulandes tabata usa ‘Mangazina di Rei’ pa almasená ransun pa e katibunan di gobièrnu. El a hunga un papel importante tambe den e area ku e tempu ei nan tabata yama ‘landstuinen ten Oosten’. Awendia ta usa e mangazina pa konservá rikesa kultural boneriano pa generashonnan aktual i den futuro ku metanan di estudio, edukashon i plaser. Wak riba e wèpsait pa aktividatnan i trajektonan kultural ku Mangazina di Rei ta ofresé.

Hoog op een heuvel in de bijzondere natuur en tijdloze setting van het gebied Rincon staat een groot wit gebouw. De ‘Mangazina di Rei’ (opslagplaats van de Koning) werd in de negentiende eeuw door de Nederlandse overheid gebruikt om rantsoenen op te slaan voor de gouvernementsslaven. Ook had het een rol van betekenis in het gebied dat toendertijd de landstuinen ten Oosten genoemd werd.
Tegenwoordig wordt de opslagplaats gebruikt om de culturele rijkdom van Bonaire te bewaren voor huidige en toekomstige generaties voor doeleinden van studie, educatie en plezier. Mangazina di Rei speelt een belangrijke rol als cultuurpark waar ouderen en jongeren samenwerken om het erfgoed van Bonaire levend te houden. Kijk op de website voor de culturele activiteiten en trajecten die Mangazina di Rei aanbiedt.

High on a hill, in the timeless setting of the area of Rincon and surrounded by beautiful nature stands a large white building. The ‘Mangazina di Rei’ (The King’s Repository) was used by the Dutch government in the nineteenth century to store rations for government slaves. It also played a significant role in the area, which -at that time- was called the National Gardens to the East.
Today, the Repository is used to preserve Bonaire’s cultural wealth for present and future generations. Its purpose is one of study, education, and enjoyment. Have a look at the website to see what cultural activities and trajectories Mangazina di Rei has to offer.

En lo alto de una colina en Rincón, donde no transcurre el tiempo, y rodeado de hermosa naturaleza, se alza un gran edificio blanco. ‘Mangazina di Rei’ (El Almacén del Rey) fue utilizado por el gobierno holandés en el siglo XIX para almacenar raciones de los esclavos del gobierno. También jugó un papel importante en el área, que -en ese momento- se llamó “Los Jardines Nacionales del Este”.
Hoy en día, el almacén se utiliza para preservar la riqueza cultural de Bonaire para presentes y futuras generaciones. Su propósito es de estudio, educación y disfrute.

Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP)

Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP)

The Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP) is a long-term training program focusing on cultural heritage management and aiming to create a Caribbean network of heritage experts. They, in turn, can share knowledge, know-how, and expertise on the modus operandi of the World Heritage Convention and on heritage management in general. In 2011 this course took place in Curaçao and was attended by around 20 architects and heritage professionals from the region, representing Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Maarten, Suriname, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Trinidad, the Virgin Islands, and Haiti.

The CCBP was conceived to respond to the needs identified in the Latin America and the Caribbean Periodic Report which showed that most of the Caribbean State Parties still lack the capacity and expertise needed to enable full protection and management of the present World Heritage sites (18) and to identify new World Heritage sites. The CCBP was endorsed by the World Heritage Committee in 2004 as part of the Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage.

The CCBP is composed of a core and mandatory training module on the Application of the World Heritage Convention and a series of other modules focusing on the various aspects of management (tourism, historic centers, risks, cultural landscapes, and natural heritage). Each module lasts 30 hours and encompasses practical exercises, analysis of regional case studies, and discussions.  The training modules are available in 3 languages (English, French, and Spanish).

Module 1: Application of the World Heritage Convention
Pina Grazia Piras

Module 2: Tourism Management in Heritage Sites
Ricardo Nuñez Fernandez

Module 3: Risk Preparedness
Herbert S. Stovel

Module 4: Management of Cultural Landscapes
Isabel Rigol

Module 5: Management of historic centers
Cristina Iamandi

Module 6: Natural Heritage Management
Enrique H. Hernández

Cultuur Agenda Curaçao | Agènda Kultural Kòrsou

Cultuur Agenda Curaçao | Agènda Kultural Kòrsou

Cultuur Agenda Curaçao | Agènda Kultural Kòrsou

Meer dan 30 organisaties op het gebied van beeldende kunst en performing arts delen hier hun actuele agenda.

Mas ku 30 organisashonnan den kuadro di arte visual i performing arts ta kompartí nan agènda aktual.