Museo di Kòrsou / Het Curaçaosch Museum

Museo di Kòrsou / Het Curaçaosch Museum

Dit unieke museum, het oudste nog bestaande museum op Curaçao, is gehuisvest in een prachtig architectonisch monumentaal pand uit 1853. De getoonde collectie kunst en nijverheid, bestaat uit meubilair, glas en textiel. De voorwerpen dateren uit de 18de, 19de en vroeg 20ste eeuw.

Dit allemaal in combinatie met verschillende afwisselende tentoonstellingen, zowel boven in het Museum in de Meester zaal, de West Indie zaal alsook in het Souterrain en de SNIP Gallery.

E museó úniko aki, e museó mas bieuw ku ainda ta eksistí na Kòrsou, ta situá den un edifisio monumental ku arkitektura bunita di aña 1853. E kolekshon ta konsistí di arte i obra i ta inkluí muebli, glas i tekstil. E obhetonan ta di siglo 18, 19 i prinsipio di siglo 20.

Tur esaki ta kombiná ku varios eksposishon ku ta kambia regularmente, situa  den Sala Meester ariba, Sala West-Indië, i na Souterrain i SNIP Gallery.

This unique museum, the oldest still-existing museum on Curaçao, is housed in a beautiful architectural monument from 1853. The displayed collection of art and craftsmanship includes furniture, glass, and textiles. The objects date back to the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.

All this is combined with various rotating exhibitions, located upstairs in the Master Room, the West Indies Room, as well as in the Souterrain and the SNIP Gallery.


Van Leeuwenhoekstraat z/n
Tel:  +5999 4626051


Savonet Museum in Christoffel National Park

Savonet Museum in Christoffel National Park

The Christoffel National Park is the largest and most biodiverse park on the island. In the park you can find stunning nature, the Christoffel Mountain, beautiful birds, the national white tailed deer and wonderful hiking trails. We offer tours, guided hikes, and seasonal activities. Inside the park you can find the Savonet Museum.

Savonet Museum

The Savonet Museum, which is housed in a 17th-century plantation house, tells you the story of the Savonet Plantation and the adjacent Savonet area. The story begins with the first inhabitants of the area: the Arawak Indians and goes on to the slavery period, the abolishment of slavery, and the independence of Curacao in 2010. The main focus of the museum is the lives of the former slaves and later ‘workers’ of the Savonet Plantation, the lives of the owners, and the interaction between these two groups.

In the Christoffel National Park you can explore:

  • Stunning Nature
    Nature lovers will find the park teeming with birds and plants. You will probably see species that are not easily seen elsewhere on the island. The park harbors a rich variety of local flora and fauna.
  • Hiking & Climbing
    An abundance of hiking trails to choose from. A relaxed stroll or a more advanced trail, there is something to do for everyone! Climbing the Christoffel Mountain is one of the most popular – and more advanced – hiking trails in the park.
  • Interesting History
    Visit the Savonet Museum located in “Landhuis Savonet” inside the Christoffel Park. Get inside information and a peak into the lives of the former inhabitants of the area.
  • Safari & Guides
    There are many ways to explore the park at your own pace and time, however if you are looking to dig a little deeper into the history, flora and fauna of the park, we recommend you to join us on one of the guided hikes or (jeep safari) tours.





Durante di seis aña, for di aña 1958, Paul (Pader) Brenneker i Elis Juliana a kolektá un gran kantidat di historianan oral, kantikanan i músika serka e hende grandinan di Kòrsou. Asina nan a mapa partinan importante kultural di e bida diario di Kòrsou di antes. Nan informante más grandi a nase na 1853, dies aña promé ku abolishon di sklabitud. E informashón kolektá a bira kolekshon Zikinzá. E kolekshon ta konsistí di 1400 kantikanan, historianan i historianan di bida. Anèkdotanan, rekuerdonan di antes, ritualnan i kantikanan di pueblo di 267 informantenan ta grabá. E meta di Brenneker i Juliana tabata pa konservá konosementu i sabiduria di e hendenan grandi i rural di pueblo, ku ahinda no tabata den kontakto ku e modèrnisashon di suidat.
Na aña 1974 nan a transferensha e herensia kultural antropológiko aki pa Fundashon Zikinzá. For di 2010 e kolekshon Zikinzá ta bou di manejo di NAAM (National Archeological Anthropological Memory Management).


During six years, from 1958 on, Father Brenneker and Elis Juliana collected a big amount of oral history, songs, pieces and music from the elderly people of Curaçao. This is how they could map important cultural aspects of everyday life in Curaçao. Their oldest informant was born in 1853, ten years before the abolition of slavery. The collected information is stored in the Zikinzá collection. The collection contains 1400 songs, stories and life stories. Anecdotes, childhood memories, riltuals and folklore songs of 267 informants were recorded. The goal of Brenneker and Juliana was to record knowledge and wisdom of the elderly, rural population, that was still isolated from the modernisation happening in the more urbanised areas. In 1974 this cultural anthropological heritage was transferred to the Zikinzá Foundation. From 2010 on the Zikinzá collection is under management of NAAM (National Archeological Anthropological Memory Management).


Zes jaar lang, vanaf 1958, hebben Paul Brenneker en Elis Juliana een grote hoeveelheid mondelinge geschiedenis, liederen en muziek verzameld bij de ouderen van Curaçao. Op deze manier hebben zij belangrijke culturele aspecten van het dagelijks leven van Curaçao in kaart gebracht. Hun oudste informant werd geboren omstreeks 1853, tien jaar voor de afschaffing van de slavernij. De meeste van de door Juliana en Brenneker verzamelde informatie is opgeslagen in de Zikinzá-collectie, een databank bestaande uit 1.400 liederen, verhalen, en levensverhalen. Anekdotes, jeugdherinneringen, rituelen en volksliedjes werden bij 267 informanten op band opgenomen. Inhoudelijk ging het Brenneker en Juliana om het vastleggen van de kennis en de wijsheid van de oudere, rurale bevolking, die nog geïsoleerd leefden van de stad en de oprukkende modernisering in de stad. In 1974 werd dit cultureel antropologische erfgoed overgedragen aan Stichting Zikinzá. In 2010 is de Zikinzá collectie bij NAAM (Nationaal Archeologisch, Antropologisch Memory Management) in beheer gebracht.




Ranson – Curaçao Music Heritage Archive

Ranson – Curaçao Music Heritage Archive

Kanal di Youtube ku musika Afro-Kurasoleño, ku ta kai bou di herensia kultural di Kòrsou.

Youtube kanaal met Afro-Curaçaose muziek, wat valt onder cultureel erfgoed van Curaçao.

Youtube channel with Afro-Curaçaoan music that is part of Curaçao cultural heritage.

Selwyn “Wincho” de Wind’s fascination with Afro-Cuban music genres led him to explore the similarities between Cuba, Curaçao, and Africa, particularly the Congo. During his visit to Layo de Palm in Curaçao – an autodidact anthropologist and great storyteller – he delved into the rich cultural heritage of the island. Where he discovered the strong African influences on our music, particularly in the rhythms and melodies of Rumba, Son Montuno, and Bolero.

The Afro-Curaçaoan Tambú genre is not only a dance-able genre, but also a way of life and belief. Tambú was a crucial element for enslaved people during colonial times. In order to resist repression on all expressions of afro descendants on Curaçao. Till today it is mostly played and practiced during the end of the year. The typical instruments – ‘Kueru’ and ‘Chapí’ – are being played and accompanied by critical lyrics till the early morning.

Track list
01 Donny – Kompa Nanzi i Shon Arei
02 Pincho i su grupo & Elia Isenia – Victoria
03 Pincho i su grupo & Basilel – Santeria
04 Norma Gosepa – Trampa
05 Beno Martis – Piep Piep
06 Watawa y su Plantacion nobo – Telegram
07 Shon Cola i Grupo Trinchera – Banana
08 Zojojo i su grupo – Dal un dal dos Spanta
09 Pincho i su grupo – E ta sirbibu
10 Pincho i su grupo – Nan a batie
11 Zojojo i Mystica Stefania – Rin tin tin
12 Basilel – Porongombe ya cayo
13 Pincho i su grupo & Elia Isenia – Baha fo’i mi lomba
14 Los Locos Samson – Mirabal
15 Doble RR Super Special Stars – Auto bieuw
16 Super 8 – Chela
17 Grupo Enos – Mucha Mester Tende
18 Indiscutible Super Dynamic – Hulanda Mi Ta Bai, Atrobe

Produced by Selwyn de Wind & Mathijs Reinen
Camera: Daniel Milton
Gaffer: Neldrick Martis
Photography: Tamira Koeiman
Sound mixing: Selwyn de Wind

E género Afro Kurasoleño Tambú no ta solamente e musika i baile pero un estilo di bida i tambe kerensia. For di den temporada kolonial Tambú tabata un di e elementonan prinsipal pa e hende esklavisá por a resistí e represhon riba tur ekspreshon di dje ku ta Afro-desendiente. Te ku awe ku hopi difikultat e pueblo di Kòrsou tin su temporada di Tambú, kual ta e ultimo luna di aña. Kueru i Chapi ta zona akompañá ku letranan kritiko te den marduga. Awe mi ta komparti en breve historia di grabashon di tambú na Kòrsou.

Today we share with you the honourable mural of Erquimides ‘Kimu’ Kandelaria A well known folksinger from Otrobanda who got his local fame in the 40s, 50s and 60s together with his “Trio Melodia”. He was known for his merengues and tumbas. ‘Kimu’ used his high voice to compose humoristic, but also critical songs which took the fancy of the Curaçaoan population. It is great to see people of today honouring Kimu’s influence and importance within the local ‘farandula’. Bo ta bon bezig Aemy @niafeliz_art Not to forget the important work Patrick Martijn has done over the last decade. Documenting his work and life-story.

In connection with two important expositions of living legend Felix de Rooy in The Stedelijk & Eye Filmmuseum, Selwyn de Wind shares with you today the Ava & Gabriel soundtrack. (1990)

Today Selwyn de Wind shares with you Disfrútalo hasta el cabo (1974), one of the many albums that El Gran Combo De Puerto Rico released for the past 60 years. An international touring salsa band that has also a great connection with Curaçao. Disfrútalo…..

Selwyn de Wind shares with you “Plat creol” from the Shleu Shleu album Grille ta cigarette (1973) And the reinterpretation “Zagalatelema” of Clovis Bazur with Conjunto San José from Curaçao. The influence of Haitian music especially in the Caribbean and South America is out of this world.

Grupo Harmonia y Kueru Volume 1 (1989), Dedicated to Ellis Juliana “Ko’i mi tera” (Salsa Antiyana/ Sehú)

Kompas Kòrsou – Herensia intangibel (Youtube)

Kompas Kòrsou – Herensia intangibel (Youtube)

Den ‘Kompas Kòrsou’ Trevor Bakhuis ta konta diferente historianan di Kòrsou. E ta papia entre otro di heroenan i eventonan historiko ku tabata importante pa e desaroyo di Kòrsou.

Mary, Zakitó, Dorothea Martina
Esaki ta un historia di dos hende muhé i e importansia ku nos akshonnan tin riba esnan rònt di nos. Na final mi ta konta di algu similar ku a yega di pasa ku mi i kon Dios i komunidat a yuda mi integrá bèk.

Panamá tabata un puntu di interes pa hopi habitante di Kòrsou; un oportunidat pa floresé i tambe un oportunidat pa trabou. Nos tin un konekshon ku Panamá, esta e pais, i tambe ku algu di moda ku ta karga e nomber di Panamá, esta, e Sombré di Panamá. Ban den tempu i eksplorá e historia di Panama-Korsou.

Den e episodio aki nos ta sigui ku e historia di e atake franses riba Kòrsou na 1713 kuminsando ku e bataya di Malpais (despues di un introdukshon)

Fransha a pasa den Karibe riba un manera feros. Na aña 1713 nan a presentá na Kòrsou. Den e episodio aki nos ta bai eksplorá algun di e susesonan ku a tuma lugá den e tempu ei.

Gara e Momentu

Kambio ta bin pa tur hende pero den Korsou su historia na fin di siglo 19, tabatin un hòmber ku a bin ku kambionan ku te awe nos ta usa diariamente. L.B Smith, brugnan di Kòrsou, e Kas di Awa, i Kairos.


Un kaso di lamentá di mas ku 300 aña pasá lo hiba nos den sentro di Kòrsou di siglo 17, 18 i 19

Korant den temporada di WWII mester a sensurá hopi kos i den e video aki nos ta bai wak un temporada skur ku sierto hende i famia a eksperensiá. Pero apesar di e kontratiempo tòg tin historia di triunfo.

Piratanan tabata frekuentá nos isla i na sierto okashon a ataká tambe. Komunikashon ta proba su mes komo algu importante pa nos protekshon. Nos lo kuminsá na Sta. Barbara i kaba den e mondi di Ararat.

Nos no mester lubidá e aktonan heroiko di nos hendenan. Esaki ta un relato kortiku di tres hòmber ku a pasa den e mesun prizòn durante WWII. Nan a demostra ku nan tabata mas grandi ku nan situashon.

Den WWII tabatin diferente antiano ku a riska nan bida pa bienester di otro hende. Esaki ta un relato kortiku di e héroenan aki. Charles Debrot, George Maduro, Boy Ecury, Luis de Lannoy, Delfincio Navarro i Tirso Sprockel.

Supmarinonan ta ataká, blackout ta keda enforsá i sòldánan ta bin pa defendé nos islanan chikitu den WWII. E balor di nos islanan den WWII ta algu ku nos no mester lubidá. Riba diferente sitio te awe nos ta topa fundeshi- i artefaktonan ku e sòldánan a laga atras ku ta testfiká di un presensia i interes supstansial pa defendé nos islanan.

Hopi hende no sa, pero Korsou tabatin un funshon importante den WWII. Nos ta ban eksplorá e kuminsamentu di WWII i kon el a afektá un fase nobo den defensa di Korsou. Den e parti aki nos ta wak kon e hulandesnan huntu ku soldánan lokal a kuminsá usa luganan stratégiko di antes atrobe. Esaki mester pone nos pensa riba nos propio bida i wak si nos tambe mester bai bèk na e fundeshinan ku ta restorá nos komo hende i komo pueblo

Inglesnan a blòkia tur entrada parti sùit di Korsou i niun barku no por a drenta ni sali.Komersio tabata plat i provishonnan tabata skars. Pero ta den e momentunan skur akí Luis Brion a hasi un maniobra ku ta bale lapena pa rekordá.

Na 1805 Inglatera a presenta ku 7 barku di guera pa konkistá Kòrsou pero Pedro Luis Brion i su 160 soldánan a duna nan un resistensia ku nan no a antisipá.

E inglesnan a ataká Korsou na 1804 i tur kos den Korsou su defensa a bai malu. Pero tòg esnan ku a lucha no a entregá. Kristu no a entregá, el a lucha te na fin.

Aña nobo 1807, un momentu inesperá, e inglesnan drenta haf i tuma kòntròl kompletu di Korsou. Asina e “tweede engelse periode” a kuminsá i a dura te 1816.