nov 28, 2024
On the first of March 1990 C.L.Temminck Groll reached the age of 65 years. Because of his great importance for the architectural research and the preservation of monuments in the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, this work is dedicated to him by 25 of his friends, students’ and other scientists.
In eighteen chapters many aspects of Antillean architecture are discussed from different points of view by specialists in these fields. Included are traditional and modern architecture, restoration, churches and monuments, and building history. In addition there are contributions on interior decoration and furniture, about the architectural aspects in papiamentu prose, and on the filigree goldsmithery of Curacao. Finally an extensive bibliography on the architecture and historic monuments.of.the six islands.
The book is illustrated with maps, plans, and photographs.
nov 28, 2024
Aruba! Everyone knows this tropical island in the sun with pearly white beaches and palm trees swaying in the trade winds. But there’s more to Aruba than this. It has a fascinating history, a diverse culture and a rich architecture. Traces can still be found of the original indigenous inhabitants, and of the gold industry and aloe plantations. The island’s architectural heritage includes historic churches, a fort and a lighthouse. And you’ll come across the island’s characteristic cunucu houses wherever you go. This guide will lead you through this wonderful cultural heritage along three routes: one driving route around the entire island, and two walking routes in the cities of Oranjestad and San Nicolas. You will discover places known only to insiders. And of course this guide also provides historical backgrounds and practical information.
nov 28, 2024
Na vier jaar een nieuw boek van de tweevoudige Pullitzer Prizewinnares Barbara W. Tuchman. De door haar brede historische kennis en groot vakmanschap graag gelezen en zeer gewaardeerde Barbara W. Tuchman schrijft voor het eerst over het Amerikaanse verleden, de moeizame jaren van de Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd, de oorlog waarin dertien koloniën in Noord-Amerika zich vrijvochten van het moederland Engeland. Zij plaatst deze strijd in het kader van de Europese politiek, waarin de Republiek zo’n duidelijke rol speelde. Het was immers op het Hollandse eiland Sint Eustatius dat de kanonnen het eerste saluutschot van de Amerikaanse ‘Andrea Doria’ met de rebellenvlag in top beantwoordde. Als handelaars van de wereld voorzien de Hollanders de Amerikaanse rebellen van wapens vanaf hun ‘Gouden Rots’, hun schateilandje St. Eustatius. Het is op dit moment dat Engeland ingrijpt , de Republiek verslaat en haar in het verderf stort. We lezen over Washington, de Franse interventie, de strijd om Amerika. De Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd had grote invloed in Europa en stimuleerde onder anderen de Franse progressieven zo, dat in 1789 de Franse Revolutie uitbrak.
Barbara Tuchmans naam en stijl garanderen kwaliteit, een meeslepende verteltrant, oog voor detail, grote leesbaarheid en spanning.
‘Het eerste saluutschot is de Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse boek ‘The first salute’.
nov 26, 2024
Elis Juliana (1927-2013) ta un di e heroenan di Kòrsou. E tabata antropólogo, filósofo, dokumentalista, edukadó, poeta, etnomusikólogo, arkeólogo i artista. Ku su inbestigashonnan e tabatin hopi influensha riba kultura i literatura di Kórsou, Boneiru i Aruba. Su trabou ta ankrá den e kultura Afro-Karibense, i e ta trata temanan komo identidat, kolonialismo, desigualdat den komunidat, bida na Kòrsou, Papiamentu i tradishonnan i ritualnan Afro-Kurasoleño. Huntu ku Paul Brenneker ela krea e kolekshon ‘Zikinzá’, dor di papia ku e hende grandinan di Kòrsou. E wèpsait aki ta splika tur fasetenan di Elis Juliana su trabou i ta papia di ken e tabata.
Elis Juliana (1927-2013) is one of the heroes of Curaçao. He was an anthropologist, philosopher, documenter, educator, poet, ethnomusicologist, archeologist and artis. With his research he had a lot of influence on the culture and literature of Curaçao, Bonaire and Aruba. His work is anchored in the Afro-Caribean culture and he speaks about topics like identity, colonialism, inequality in the community, life in Curaçao, Papiamentu and Afro-Curaçaoan traditions and rituals. Together with Paul Brenneker he created the collection ‘Zikinzá’, by speaking with elderly people of Curaçao. This website explains all the facets of the work of Elis Juliana, and speaks of who he was.
nov 18, 2024
Whispers of the Past – The Hidden History of St. Eustatius unearths the untold stories of St. Eustatius, a small Dutch Caribbean island with a rich and overlooked history. We embark on a captivating journey through the island’s timeline, from its earliest roots to the present day. At the crossroads of historical narratives and women’s empowerment, we shine a bright light on the often silenced voices of women, stories of strength, survival, and resilience that continue to inspire. These echoes of the past awaken pride in our collective heritage, connecting us to the present. Join us as we embrace history’s whispers to honor, heal, and pave the way for a more sovereign future.
The podcast is live from November 16th 2024 and releases a new episode every new week, for 12 weeks.
Episode 1
We dive into the early history of St. Eustatius, exploring its volcanic origins, cultural diversity, and why it’s crucial to tell history through a lens that includes women. This episode sets the stage for what’s to come in the series. With Gay Soetekouw & Raimie Richardson.