mei 31, 2023
The Major Osmar R. Simmons Museum is located in The Bottom on the way to Well’s Bay. The museum is in a small two-story family home on the road heading toward The Ladder. It depicts the household of the major who lived here. Major Simmons was a police officer for 40 years, who collected furniture and domestic artifacts along with 20th-century household tools. To visit the museum please contact the owners in advance. A sign will be posted by the door with the contact information.
mei 31, 2023
Saba’s Harry Luke Johnson Museum is appropriately located in an original Saban cottage in Windwardside. It stands in the middle of a beautiful romantic garden in landscape style, which is used as a public park for picnics, in the past also for Sunday croquet games, and Easter egg hunts.
mei 31, 2023
The cultural and architectural identity has been derived from a very mottled and diverse past with significant contributions originating from many other parts.
Visitor information, issued by Saba Conservation Foundation, with focus on Saban Architecture.
apr 19, 2023
Mongui Maduro Library gunt alle cultureel erfgoed professionals en partners een symposium dat ons gezamenlijk sterkt en bijdraagt aan ons bestaansrecht, nú en in de toekomst.
Het symposium gaat over trends en toekomstscenario’s waar professionals en experts samen aan de slag gaan rondom belangrijke ontwikkelingen en veranderingen die van invloed zijn op hun sector en de organisatie waar ze werken. Tijdens het symposium worden korte presentaties en “eyeopeners” gegeven door experts op het gebied van de cultuur & erfgoed sector en trendwatchers, en worden er interactieve sessies georganiseerd waarin deelnemers actief kunnen bijdragen aan het ontwikkelen van toekomstscenario’s.
apr 5, 2023
Scharloo, a former residential neighborhood lined with picturesque homes built by Curacao’s wealthy merchants during the 1800’s. In this episode you will experience the conversion of the area, from private homes in the 1800 and 1900’s to business offices and government institutions nowadays, though maintaining the beautiful facades as a memory of the former glory and elegance that existed.