Monumenten Hersteld

Monumenten Hersteld

Doel van dit jubileumboek is vooral het vastleggen van informatie over het monument en de restauratie. Informatie die snel vervaagt en in de vergetelheid raakt. In dit eerste deel zijn alle restauratieprojecten opgenomen die tussen 1994 en 1998 zijn opgeleverd en (mede) gefinancierd werden door Stichting Monumentenfonds Curaçao. Dat in deze periode nagenoeg 60 projecten werden voltooid, toont de grote betekenis van het Fonds op het gebied van de monumentenzorg.

Van elk opgenomen bouwwerk wordt een algemene indruk gegeven middels informatie over de bouw-en bewoningsgeschiedenis, gevolgd door een beschijving van het bouwwerk, de architectuurstijl en van de kenmerkende elementen. Elk onderdeel wordt afgesloten met een korte verhandeling over de restauratie, waarbij vooral melding wordt gemaakt van specifieke details bij het project. Aan de hand van fotomateriaal en tekeningen worden de teksten verder toegelicht. Het onderzoek bleef beperkt tot Curaçao waar gegevens werden verzameld door middel van onderzoek in archieven en bibliotheken en het interviewen van betrokkenen.

Kompas Kòrsou – Herensia tangibel (Youtube)

Kompas Kòrsou – Herensia tangibel (Youtube)

Trevor Bakhuis ta splika di diferente sitionan di herensia ku Kompas Kòrsou. Entre otro e edifisionan i strukturanan ku a wordu konstruí den pasado, ku awendia ahinda tin nifikashon pa kultura di Kòrsou.

Un kaso di lamentá di mas ku 300 aña pasá lo hiba nos den sentro di Kòrsou di siglo 17, 18 i 19



Gara e momentu:

Ken tabata L.B Smith, i kiko ela nifiká pa desaroyo di Korsou? Brùgnan, e Kas di Awa i Kairos.


E kaminda largu


Fort Kloof

Esaki ta parti di un video mas largu ku mi ta trahando. 2 minüt so! Enjoy

Nos ta bai wak un industria grandi di 1871-1895 i nos lo bai di Banda ‘riba te Bandabou pa mira e influensianan ku e industria a laga atras. Danki spesial na Christoffelpark/Carmabi ku a permití nos bai filma e mina di manganeso. Danki tambe na Mijnmaatschappij pa nan koperashon. Un website ku p’ami ta un tesoro di informashon ta curacaopictures ( Super informativo.

Un 2021 bendishoná pa boso tur. Esaki ta algun pensamentu ku mi tabatin ora mi tabata na Newtown. Enjoy! God bless

Monumento di Wiliam Foot

Esaki ta un video kortiku di un monumento dediká na un minero ingles ku yama William Foot kende a muri na 1879. E monumento a keda kompletá na 1880. Despues lo publiká un video mas largu
Video kompletu: Industria i morto misterioso.


Nos no mester lubidá e aktonan heroiko di nos hendenan. Esaki ta un relato kortiku di tres hòmber ku a pasa den e mesun prizòn durante WWII. Nan a demostra ku nan tabata mas grandi ku nan situashon.
Fort Nassau, Oranje Hotel


Fòrti: Fort Beekenburg

Digital World Heritage Scavenger Hunt

Digital World Heritage Scavenger Hunt

Ready to challenge your knowledge and explore our historic area of Willemstad? Join our educational & interactive Digital World Heritage Scavenger Hunt! Dive into our inner city culture, history, and iconic landmarks. Every monument has a story to tell — are you ready to uncover them?

Gather your team (friends, family, and classmates), follow the clues, and compete for great prizes while discovering new facts and making memories! Let the adventure begin!
Scan the QR code to register or click the link below to sign up!

This scavenger hunt is an initiative of the Curaçao National Commission for UNESCO, Maduro & Curiel’s Bank, and Bario Food Yard.

Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP)

Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP)

The Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP) is a long-term training program focusing on cultural heritage management and aiming to create a Caribbean network of heritage experts. They, in turn, can share knowledge, know-how, and expertise on the modus operandi of the World Heritage Convention and on heritage management in general. In 2011 this course took place in Curaçao and was attended by around 20 architects and heritage professionals from the region, representing Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Maarten, Suriname, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Trinidad, the Virgin Islands, and Haiti.

The CCBP was conceived to respond to the needs identified in the Latin America and the Caribbean Periodic Report which showed that most of the Caribbean State Parties still lack the capacity and expertise needed to enable full protection and management of the present World Heritage sites (18) and to identify new World Heritage sites. The CCBP was endorsed by the World Heritage Committee in 2004 as part of the Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage.

The CCBP is composed of a core and mandatory training module on the Application of the World Heritage Convention and a series of other modules focusing on the various aspects of management (tourism, historic centers, risks, cultural landscapes, and natural heritage). Each module lasts 30 hours and encompasses practical exercises, analysis of regional case studies, and discussions.  The training modules are available in 3 languages (English, French, and Spanish).

Module 1: Application of the World Heritage Convention
Pina Grazia Piras

Module 2: Tourism Management in Heritage Sites
Ricardo Nuñez Fernandez

Module 3: Risk Preparedness
Herbert S. Stovel

Module 4: Management of Cultural Landscapes
Isabel Rigol

Module 5: Management of historic centers
Cristina Iamandi

Module 6: Natural Heritage Management
Enrique H. Hernández

St. Eustatius Historical Walking Tour

St. Eustatius Historical Walking Tour

St. Eustatius, ‘ The Historical Gem’ of the Caribbean, is a small, but cherished island with a rich history and great beauty. The St. Eustatius Historical Foundation was established in 1974 to explore, preserve, document and educate the local population and tourists, about the history of this very special island. We strive, through educational programs, walking tours and presentations, to make our story known. We have, since our inception, sponsored archaeological and anthropological research on the island through many prestigious universities and scholars. This has added to the depth of knowledge of our history and our important place in the events of the 18th century. Now, with the establishment of the St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research, this has become a continuous learning process. This guide therefore represents our current knowledge of our beautiful island. We hope this will serve as an introduction to our great heritage, that you will visit our award-winning museum and our archaeological research center and begin to understand our great pride in the ‘Historical Gem’.

This walking tour guide will take us from the waterfront, up the Bay Path, through the major sites in the town to the St. Eustatius Historical Foundation Museum, one of the best in the Caribbean. In the center of this book you will find a numbered map of the walking tour. The numbers correspond to the sites described in this guide. We hope that you also take the time to explore some of the extended tours that we have included in the back of the guide, so that you can get a more complete understanding of this ‘Historical Gem of the Caribbean’.