Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP)
The Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP) is a long-term training program focusing on cultural heritage management and aiming to create a Caribbean network of heritage experts. They, in turn, can share knowledge, know-how, and expertise on the modus operandi of the World Heritage Convention and on heritage management in general. In 2011 this course took place in Curaçao and was attended by around 20 architects and heritage professionals from the region, representing Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Maarten, Suriname, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Trinidad, the Virgin Islands, and Haiti.
The CCBP was conceived to respond to the needs identified in the Latin America and the Caribbean Periodic Report which showed that most of the Caribbean State Parties still lack the capacity and expertise needed to enable full protection and management of the present World Heritage sites (18) and to identify new World Heritage sites. The CCBP was endorsed by the World Heritage Committee in 2004 as part of the Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage.
The CCBP is composed of a core and mandatory training module on the Application of the World Heritage Convention and a series of other modules focusing on the various aspects of management (tourism, historic centers, risks, cultural landscapes, and natural heritage). Each module lasts 30 hours and encompasses practical exercises, analysis of regional case studies, and discussions. The training modules are available in 3 languages (English, French, and Spanish).
Module 1: Application of the World Heritage Convention
Pina Grazia Piras
Module 2: Tourism Management in Heritage Sites
Ricardo Nuñez Fernandez
Module 3: Risk Preparedness
Herbert S. Stovel
Module 4: Management of Cultural Landscapes
Isabel Rigol
Module 5: Management of historic centers
Cristina Iamandi
Module 6: Natural Heritage Management
Enrique H. Hernández