National Archeological Anthropological Memory Management
National Archaeological and Anthropological Memory Management Foundation – NAAM – na Kòrsou, ta un organisashon non-profit, kometé na konservashon i identifikashon di herensha kultural – tantu material komo inmaterial – di Boneiru, Kòrsou, St. Maarten, den un perspektiva Karibense.
NAAM a wòrdu fundá dor di Gobièrnu Sentral di Antia Hulandes anterior (1998) komo susesor di AAINA anterior (Archaeological- Anthropological Institute of the Netherlands Antilles).
Presentando su mes komo “mas ku un museo”, den kurso di tempu NAAM a logra di desaroyá den un instituto, laborando ampliamente riba dokumentashon, restorashon i enrikesimentu di nos memoria kolektivo. Pa e motibu ei desde 2008 e lèter M den NAAM su nòmber no ta para mas pa “Museum” (museo) pero pa “Memory Management” (Maneho di memoria).

Dutch Caribbean Heritage Platform

Stichting Monumentenzorg Curaçao
Stichting Monumentenzorg Curaçao – Curaçao Heritage Foundation – was founded in 1954. The private foundation is the oldest and largest organization in the field of preservation of monuments in Curaçao with over 120 monuments under management, including townhouses, forts, plantation houses, and even a former synagogue. Several of these were acquired when they were already dilapidated and threatened to be lost. By now most have been restored.