jan 23, 2025
This video is part of a series of three informative historical videos/ slideshows about the Dutch West Indies, which consist of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius, Saba, and Suriname.
Dutch West Indies 1630-1975 Part II : Pirates & Slaves
Dutch trading posts and plantations in the Americas precede the much wider known colonisation activities of the Dutch in Asia. Whereas the first Dutch fort in Asia was built in 1600 (in present-day Indonesia), the first forts and settlements on the Essequibo river in Guyana and on the Amazon date from the 1590s. Actual colonization, with Dutch settling in the new lands, was not as common as with other European nations. Many of the Dutch settlements were lost or abandoned by the end of that century, but the Netherlands managed to retain possession of Suriname until it gained independence in 1975, as well as the former Netherlands Antilles, of which the islands remain within the Kingdom of the Netherlands today.
jan 23, 2025
This video is part of a series of three informative historical videos/ slideshows about the Dutch West Indies, which consist of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius, Saba, and Suriname.”
Dutch West Indies 1630-1975 Part III: Decolonization and the independence of Suriname
Dutch trading posts and plantations in the Americas precede the much wider known colonisation activities of the Dutch in Asia. Whereas the first Dutch fort in Asia was built in 1600 (in present-day Indonesia), the first forts and settlements on the Essequibo river in Guyana and on the Amazon date from the 1590s. Actual colonization, with Dutch settling in the new lands, was not as common as with other European nations. Many of the Dutch settlements were lost or abandoned by the end of that century, but the Netherlands managed to retain possession of Suriname until it gained independence in 1975, as well as the former Netherlands Antilles, of which the islands remain within the Kingdom of the Netherlands today.
jan 23, 2025
This video is part of a series of three informative historical videos/ slideshows about the Dutch West Indies, which consist of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius, Saba, and Suriname.
Dutch West Indies 1630-1975 Part I: The Dutch West India Company
Dutch trading posts and plantations in the Americas precede the much wider known colonization activities of the Dutch in Asia. Whereas the first Dutch fort in Asia was built in 1600 (in present-day Indonesia), the first forts and settlements on the Essequibo river in Guyana and on the Amazon date from the 1590s. Actual colonization, with Dutch settling in the new lands, was not as common as with other European nations. Many of the Dutch settlements were lost or abandoned by the end of that century, but the Netherlands managed to retain possession of Suriname until it gained independence in 1975, as well as the former Netherlands Antilles, of which the islands remain within the Kingdom of the Netherlands today.
dec 6, 2024
Busca den e Database di Personanan Sclavisa na Aruba 1840-1863
Zoek in de Database van Tot slaaf gemaakte personen in Aruba 1840-1863
Search the Database of Enslaved People in Aruba 1840-1863
Bo persona ta busca informacion tocante un familiar cu tabata catibo entre aña 1840 y 1863 na Aruba?
E documento aki ta yuda bo busca.
E registro di esclavo di Aruba no ta existi mas, pero door cu a mantene e informacion di diferente archivo tocante persona den sclavitud, por a traha un bista mas completo posibel di e Arubianonan sclavisa entre aña 1840 y 1863.
Tips pa ora di busca:
- E personanan sclavisa tabata tin solamente un nomber. Nan ta haya un fam te ora cu nan haya nan libertad. Esey a sosode ora cu a aboli sclavitud (e Emancipacion) riba 1 di juli 1863 of pa medio di manumision en caso cu nan a haya nan libertad prome cu 1 di juli 1863. Si bo busca pa medio di fam, e ora bo lo wak e personanan cu a haya nan libertad. Si sigui busca lo por haya nomber bieu (“nomber di catibo”) combina cu nomber di mama of nomber di e shon anterior.
- Cu e nomber di mama por sigui busca otro miembro di famia, door cu no a registra paternidad, bo por busca solamente den e liña femenino.
- Tene na cuenta cu den e fuentenan historico a pronuncia e mesun nomber na diferente manera. Pues, pa siguransa purba diferente variante di ortografia.
- Ademas, por busca riba nomber di Plantage (manera Mon Plaisir, Santa Martha, Balashi, of Daimari), nomber di otro isla, colonia of pais (Curaçao, Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Suriname, Venezuela, Puerto Rico); riba profesion/trabou (pa ehempel cunukero, labadora, sirbiente) y riba tipo di socedido (nacemento, fayecimento, benta, findishi, importa, exporta, manumision, emancipacion) y riba hopi nomber y informacion/termino mas.
Tokante Coleccion Aruba:
Na october di aña 2022, Archivo Nacional, Biblioteca Nacional y UNOCA a firma un acuerdo pa coopera riba e tereno di digitalisacion di e historia, cultura y herencia di Aruba.
E intencion ta pa traha riba un plataforma unda e herencia cultural digital di Aruba ta bira facilmente accesibel. Por mira e resultado di e cooperacion aki den e siguiente portal: https://coleccion.aw.
Segun cu e lunanan a pasa, mas organisacion a uni na Coleccion Aruba. Pa asina comparti nan conocemento, experticio y nan herencia cultural digitalisa dentro di e portal coleccion.aw.
Dia 28 di september 2023 a lansa coleccion.aw oficialmente.

dec 6, 2024
Un coleccion di mapa di Aruba y e region Caribense unda por mira y studia aspecto regional.
Kaarten van Aruba en het Caribisch Gebied.
Maps of Aruba and the Caribbean.
Tokante Coleccion Aruba:
Na october di aña 2022, Archivo Nacional, Biblioteca Nacional y UNOCA a firma un acuerdo pa coopera riba e tereno di digitalisacion di e historia, cultura y herencia di Aruba.
E intencion ta pa traha riba un plataforma unda e herencia cultural digital di Aruba ta bira facilmente accesibel. Por mira e resultado di e cooperacion aki den e siguiente portal: https://coleccion.aw.
Segun cu e lunanan a pasa, mas organisacion a uni na Coleccion Aruba. Pa asina comparti nan conocemento, experticio y nan herencia cultural digitalisa dentro di e portal coleccion.aw.
Dia 28 di september 2023 a lansa coleccion.aw oficialmente.