Curaçao Maritime Museum

Curaçao Maritime Museum

The Curaçao Maritime Museum takes you on a journey of discovery of more than 500 years of Curaçao’s maritime and national history.
Discover Curaçao’s maritime heritage at this museum, featuring nautical charts, ship models, navigation equipment, and engaging displays.
Join a guided tour for deeper insights into our exhibits and take a harbor tour on an original ferry to see Willemstad’s bustling harbor. Immerse yourself in Curaçao’s rich maritime history and experience the legacy that has shaped the island’s identity.

The museum is situated in the heart of the world-renowned Scharloo neighborhood of Willemstad, a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Curaçao Maritime Museum is just steps away from the floating Queen Emma bridge and cruise terminals.


Fundashon Museo Tula

Fundashon Museo Tula

Drenta den e mundu vibrante di Museo Tula, ku resientemente a habri bèk. Komo museo di komunidat pionero di e isla, nos ta presentá un Museo sin Muraya, ku tin varios obranan di arte den i rònt di nos espasio. Eksplorá eksposishonnan ku ta honra nos ansestronan, revela nan historia i nan forsa di resistensia. Museo Tula ta investiga temanan manera resistensia, resiliensia, i emansipashon, i ta duna bista riba rebelion di katibu, skapaté, preservashon di idioma i liderazgo.

Step into the vibrant world of the recently reopened Museo Tula. As the island’s pioneering community museum, we present a Museum without Walls, featuring diverse artworks both within and around our space. Explore exhibits honoring ancestors, revealing their history and resilience. Museo Tula delves into themes of resistance, resilience, and emancipation, offering insights into slave revolts, escape, language preservation, and leadership.

Stap binnen in de levendige wereld van het recent heropende Museo Tula. Als het pionierende community- museum van het eiland presenteren wij een Museum zonder Muren, met diverse kunstwerken zowel binnen als rondom onze ruimte. Ontdek tentoonstellingen die voorouders eren, hun geschiedenis en veerkracht onthullen. Museo Tula verkent thema’s als verzet, veerkracht en emancipatie, en biedt inzichten in slavenopstanden, ontsnapping, taalbehoud en leiderschap.


Museo Historico Aruba

Museo Historico Aruba

Museo Historico Aruba is the main historical museum of Aruba, located in the heart of Oranjestad. The Museum is housed inside the oldest building on the island, the Fort Zoutman, which was built in 1798.  You can also climb up the Willem III Tower. The museum provides an in-depth insight into the island’s rich history, culture, and traditions. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, documents, and exhibits that reflect the development of Aruba over time. From the indigenous people, the colonial era, to the contemporary period, the museum tells the story of Aruba’s unique cultural and historical heritage. Museo Historico Aruba plays an important role in preserving and presenting the island’s history to both residents and visitors, and offers educational programs that promote awareness and appreciation of Aruba’s past.

Museo Historico Aruba is het belangrijkste historische museum van Aruba, gelegen in het hart van Oranjestad. Het Museum is gevestigd in het oudste gebouw van het eiland, Fort Zoutman, dat in 1798 werd gebouwd. Je kunt ook de Willem III Toren beklimmen. Het museum biedt een diepgaand inzicht in de rijke geschiedenis, cultuur en tradities van het eiland. Het herbergt een diverse collectie van artefacten, documenten, en tentoonstellingen die de ontwikkeling van Aruba door de tijd heen weerspiegelen. Van de inheemse bevolking, de koloniale tijd, tot de hedendaagse periode, het museum vertelt het verhaal van Aruba’s unieke culturele en historische erfgoed. Museo Historico Aruba speelt een belangrijke rol in het behouden en presenteren van de geschiedenis van het eiland aan zowel bewoners als bezoekers, en biedt educatieve programma’s die het bewustzijn en de waardering voor Aruba’s verleden bevorderen.


Tel: +297 588 5199
Zoutmanstraat, Oranjestad

Sint Maarten National Heritage Foundation and Museum

Sint Maarten National Heritage Foundation and Museum

The Sint Maarten National Heritage Foundation, is a non- profit organization that was established on October 4, 1993 as the result of a merger between the St. Maarten National Park Foundation and the St Maarten Museum Foundation.

The Sint Maarten National Heritage Museum, managed by the Sint Maarten National Heritage Foundation, is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and studying every aspect of the island’s history, culture, and natural environment.

The organization aims to achieve these objectives by:

– Letting visitors explore St. Maarten’s rich history and culture by visiting our Museum
– Collecting books, videos, other publications for our reference library, which can be used for personal or educational purposes
– Affiliations with other like minded organizations
– Giving schools the opportunity to organize field trips to the Museum and historical sites
– Organizing tours to sites of historic significance 


Savonet Museum in Christoffel National Park

Savonet Museum in Christoffel National Park

The Christoffel National Park is the largest and most biodiverse park on the island. In the park you can find stunning nature, the Christoffel Mountain, beautiful birds, the national white tailed deer and wonderful hiking trails. We offer tours, guided hikes, and seasonal activities. Inside the park you can find the Savonet Museum.

Savonet Museum

The Savonet Museum, which is housed in a 17th-century plantation house, tells you the story of the Savonet Plantation and the adjacent Savonet area. The story begins with the first inhabitants of the area: the Arawak Indians and goes on to the slavery period, the abolishment of slavery, and the independence of Curacao in 2010. The main focus of the museum is the lives of the former slaves and later ‘workers’ of the Savonet Plantation, the lives of the owners, and the interaction between these two groups.

In the Christoffel National Park you can explore:

  • Stunning Nature
    Nature lovers will find the park teeming with birds and plants. You will probably see species that are not easily seen elsewhere on the island. The park harbors a rich variety of local flora and fauna.
  • Hiking & Climbing
    An abundance of hiking trails to choose from. A relaxed stroll or a more advanced trail, there is something to do for everyone! Climbing the Christoffel Mountain is one of the most popular – and more advanced – hiking trails in the park.
  • Interesting History
    Visit the Savonet Museum located in “Landhuis Savonet” inside the Christoffel Park. Get inside information and a peak into the lives of the former inhabitants of the area.
  • Safari & Guides
    There are many ways to explore the park at your own pace and time, however if you are looking to dig a little deeper into the history, flora and fauna of the park, we recommend you to join us on one of the guided hikes or (jeep safari) tours.