

Stichting Monumentenzorg Curaçao takes the initiative to realize this project and covers part of the costs by facilitating certain activities.

The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribbean Region has provided a grant for phase 1 of the project. This grant application was approved in November 2022. Phase 1 of the project commenced in January 2023.

The Representation of the Netherlands organized a Prinsjesdag Challenge for secondary school students. The students of Albert Schweitzer College won this challenge and were able to choose which charity they wanted to sponsor with the prize money of Naf. 3000. They chose Stichting Monumentenzorg Curaçao as the recipient of their sponsorship.

During phase 1, efforts will be made to find partners for this project as well as additional sponsors or subsidies to achieve phase 2 of the project, which aims to expand and ensure sustainability.

Meanwhile, the Mondriaan Fund has committed to financing a part of phase 2.